Friday, August 3, 2012


This is a rough draft of what I covered in Thursday's study. It was mor of an introduction, so you would know where I stood as a believer and also some verses we discussed and the Importance of prayer. I spoke more than I posted. We will have a more structured lesson next week. Thanks for you patience. 2cor 1:10-11 was posted. Then I presented this as an introduction:Paul is referring to the life threatening persecution he faced when he preached the Gospel of Christ. (Acts 14:19-29. Paul trusted the Lord as the Corinthians prayed. God delivered him (in His timing), which is always perfect. We should pray for each other so that thanks may be given unto Him. God is glorified in every answer He gives to Prayer, whether it be yes No or some other way we did not expect. This is why we should always pray for His perfect will in all things, not our own. we like to contaminate things we ask for by taking it back and trying to rush it up and do it ourselves. God, however teaches us to trust and wait on Him. He knows with that wonderful foreknowledge He has , what needs to be done ,and it serves His good purpose for Us! If many intercede, many will thank God when He answers. We must let others know whenever we face difficulties, so "God Can Be Praised." Once again this whole prayer thing is always about glorifying Him not ourselves. Answers to prayer should always receive public praise for our Deliverer who needs to be glorified. It also keeps us focused on Him when we pray for others as well. Shalom then posted for me Isaiah56:7- I presented this also. Isaiah 56:7here he is speaking of the Gentiles. Nations from the Hebrew word "AM" means congregated peoples,folk or flock.( Strongs#5971 Hebrew) I am pointing out these two verses to show how much the importance of prayer was in the OT and NT. God was not only setting up the stage for Our Salvation in the Ot and NT ,but He was also making it possible for us to be able to go to the Holy of Holy's Ourselves and have access to Him on a personal level through Prayer!!!! What a wonderful thing to have access to Our Father through the Holy Spirit, who lives in us the hope of glory!the church is the body of Christ just as the Nation was a congregated peoples. May I remind you Isaiah was speaking of a generation of Gentiles , serving the Lord. So there You have it we are warriors designed to pray!!!!!Pray pray!!!!we can congregate anywhere anytime!!! God knew we would need to be in constant touch wi9th Him in this fallen world and He would be glorified through all of this!!!! He could deliver!!!! we ask in His will , He delivers! What is BEST for ALL of us. Who knows us better than our Creator?? NO one. Who can see what lies ahead of us ,no one but God Himself! Prayer is also worship. I will move on next week and i will get better at this with God working through me.!! I pray that each of you will be with me as we glorify God in all of this for His Good will and Purpose. I hope this gives some idea of where are headed for the next few weeks. GBU all. In Christ Love Truth.

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