Monday, November 16, 2015

Taquiyya - Deception when Muslims deal with non-Muslims

First, a Muslim will insist that lying is not allowed in Islam. And this is true---but there are exceptions. Taquiyya is one of those exceptions. Now, a Muslim may come back with something like, "taquiyya is simply a form of concealment used to avoid persecution." Or, they might say that taquiyya is used when a Muslim's own life is in danger. And that is indeed part of it. But when a Muslim tells you that, they are not telling you the whole truth, because, again, that is only part of it.

Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. So taqiyya is about deception - lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to "appear integrated" while actually living as a state-within-a-state...until they take over. So taqiyya/taqqiyah is the technique of deception to advance the cause of Islam. It is part of the Jihad strategy of deceiving unbelievers by any means.

Therefore, exercising taqiyya is considered pious behavior---a holy act. So taquiyya is a religiously-sanctioned doctrine of lies and deceit – and Muslims routinely use it in order to deceive non-Muslims about the true nature of Islam. If a Muslim cannot achieve a permissible goal (such as promoting Islam in the eyes of non-Muslims, or preventing its denigration in the eyes of non-Muslims) by telling the truth, then he is actually obliged – not just permitted, but divinely commanded – to lie in order to achieve that goal.

In addition to taquiyya, there is also Tawriya (deceit by ambiguity), Kitman (deceit by omission---for example, only telling you part of what "taquiyya" includes, and leaving out the rest), and Muruna (deceit by the temporary suspension of Sharia). There are also the concepts of Taysir (deceit through facilitation), and Darura (deceit through necessity).

So, as you can see, Islam includes some highly-honed tactics of deception.Twenty years ago, psychologist Paul Ekman wrote an insightful book, “Telling Lies”, which demonstrated that people give off recognizable clues when they are practicing deceit. Their consciences cause them, involuntarily, to sweat or raise their voices or make other recognizable gestures. However, Dr. Ekman’s research was exclusively with people from Western cultures. Muslims, on the other hand, show no discernible signs when they are being deceitful, because there is no feeling of guilt. In their minds, they are doing exactly what Allah wants them to do in order to advance Islam.

That does not mean that Muslims lie all the time, or that they lie in everyday conversation. But when it comes to protecting Islam around Westerners, they are then mandated to do so if it means protecting or promoting Islam, in order to try to make more converts or to prevent its denigration in the eyes of non-Muslims. This can happen even under oath in a court of law.

For example, interfaith outreach between, say, a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Muslim imam may be predicated on a certain amount of goodwill on all sides in order to reach a mutually-agreeable understanding. But if one realizes that the Muslim in such a situation has no interest in extending goodwill, but wishes only to advance the cause of Islam – by subterfuge and sleight-of-hand if necessary – then it becomes obvious that the entire concept of interfaith outreach concerning Islam is a futile exercise.---Jeff Jemkins -- Broadside news

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