Friday, March 30, 2012

Discussion for Sunday April 1

This Sunday we will continue our discussion of Romans chapter 5-6.

Here are some questions for thought. Feel free to bring your own questions to the discussion. These are not multiple choice questions. However, they are multiple thought questions. All interpretations and understanding are welcome.

Bible Reading

Can you describe the peace that is being talked about here? 5:1
What has changed in your life because you are justified by faith?
Who made this peace possible?
What is meant by "we also glory in tribulations"? What is the result? 5:3-5
How has God demonstrated His love for us?
What is meant by "when we were enemies"? 5:10
How did sin come into the world? 5:12
What is meant by "sin is not imputed when there is no law"? 5:13
Does this mean there was no sin before the Commandments?

We will further discuss verses 12-21 on Sunday night.  This should be enough to start you thinking.

Bible study guidelines that may help:
Study Aids

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